#07—Read(able) artworks 📚
Reading artists’ publications can be like wandering exhibition spaces. That's why this issue is dedicated to the medium “book”. A collaboration with Marie-Sophie Dorsch.
Navigating through paper, pages and space
Artists’ books are (organisational) systems - divided in sections and chapters - or playful compositions of sentences, images, wor(l)ds and letters. And tracing the order of the pages one is deep diving into artistic languages.
Nouria Behloul: Poetry is the only way out of here
With her works artist and poet Nouria Behloul investigates the political potential of imagination and her publication Poetry is the only way out of here is a collection of poems written between 2011 and 2021 in which Behloul weaves words together, forming a series of non-linear narratives. Following her words throughout the publication, one is encountering different rhythms, gaps (spaces for reflexion), tensions and a multiplicity of voices.
PS: The cover of the book easily transforms into a poster.
Poetry is the only way out of here can be physically found at Hopscotch Reading Room (maps) (newsletter)
quotation mark quotation mark: publication series
quotation mark quotation mark - a.k.a. Eva Wilson and Adam Gibbons - is responsible for the publishing series “”. With their program they focus on forms and roles of publishing as and within artists’ practices. With their books they are initiating conversations with artists (collectives) like Tyler Coburn, Bad Lands Unlimited, GCC, Becky Beasley, James Hoff and Olaf Nicolai. Due to its small format and softcover binding the books can be easily read anywhere - circulated - shared - and the publication series enables encounters with different artistic voices. Keep your eyes open for their new book which will be published end of May.
quotation mark quotation mark’s series can be physically found at proqm (maps).
Merci Danke Grazie - ca. 100 dog bags collected by Simon Freund, curated by Leonie Herweg, typeset by Paul Jürgens, with texts by Sophia Eisenhut and Olga Hohmann.
This book contains humorous obersevations of everyday phenomena and associative concatenations of thoughts by the two authors. With their words the artists are drawing images, that are - again - framed by Paul Jürgens’ typeset. The texts within the book are accompanied by images - always varying in their order - so each book has it’s own (reading) rhythm.
PS: With each sold book 1 Euro goes to Angels Without Wings.
Merci Danke Grazie can be physically found at Motto (maps)
Tine Melzer: Atlas of Aspect Change
Throughout the book meanings are shifting. Words and images are shaped through the prism of language and intersubjective exchange. The book contains 626 thin layers of “expertise from visual, literal, conceptual, cognitive, cultural, historical and geographical practices.” The design introduces a variety of playful and surprising elements. By interrupting the flow of reading, new spaces of meaning are uncovered. Words, symbols and images intertwine in a melodic way.
Altas of Aspect Change couldn’t be found physically yet, only online. But we would order a copy at another one of our favorite book stores in Berlin - a.p. (maps)
Short notice 💨
How to move and respond—“An exhibition as text, in texts. A weekend-long programme to stage what language in and about art holds, is able to hold, and how. Conceived as a group show - one that throws discourse in the air like confetti (Estelle Hoy) - it describes an encounter, an attempt to fathom discursive relations.” Curated by Lisa Holzer.
How to move and respond at Haus am Waldsee 20.5.2023 – 21.5.2023 from 1pm, free admission (maps)
Can we get you anything else?
📚 Texte zum Nachdenken - is an independent series of reading events assembled by artist Benedikt Bock. While the events are mainly happening in Zurich, Switzerland you can also follow the programm online.
📚 You feel like taking on writing experiments yourself - follow the suggestions by Bernadette Mayer.
📚 Great digital opportunity to read interviews with a heterogeneous selection of creative minds of our time - New Reader.
📚 The obscure beauty of the process of digitally archiving books. The Art of Google Books a real tumblr gem.
📚 Or - last but not least - listen to letters.
PS: For this issue we collaborated with our friend Marie-Sophie Dorsch. Thank you for your great work. Marie also has her own newsletter called [FOLLOWING WORDS AROUND]. On a monthly basis Marie shares a reading list and invites people to kindly contribute portraits of their bookshelves. Read and subscribe here.
🥔Hit us up for a German version🥔
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